About ICSA
The popularity and constant growing of the ICSA speaks for the vast interest there is in the topic of Cellular Senescence, and the increasing number of groups around the world currently working on this topic.
ICSA members have met annually since 2015, in a different country each year (see our Conference page). Furthermore, local ICSA communities organize workshops in between the full meetings.
As of August 2024, there were
1182 members of the ICSA,
from 50 different countries!
Download our Constitution.

ICSA Steering Committee
Our Story
Before ICSA was ECSA
Before being International, ICSA was aimed at European scientists and was initially known as ECSA, the European Cell Senescence Association.
ECSA was founded by Prof Dot Bennett in 2012. Feeling that the topic was really important and needed its own society, Prof Bennett set up the first group in February 2012 as a mailing list, with just 14 member. Word spread rapidly and by the time of the first ECSA conference in June 2013 (Cambridge, England), there were over 80 members and ~200 people attended the conference.

When ECSA became ICSA

ECSA Founder, Dot Bennett, was elected as the First President in 2013. The first Steering Committee was formed and a Constitution was written.
By the second meeting in Santiago de Compostella (Spain) in 2015, there were over 350 members from all over the World. It was then decided to change the name to ICSA (International Cell Senescence Association). The website cellsenescence.info was created.